Tungsten Heavy Alloy & Anviloy 1150
Anviloy 1150 ( WNiFeMo ) is a tungsten based material made using special high temperature powder metallurgy techniques. It is used in resistance welding, pressure die casting and hot extrusion dies applications. Anviloy 1150 material has a low coefficient of thermal expansion, hot erosion resistance and good thermal conductivity. Tungsten is used as a base due to its high melting point and low coefficient of thermal expansion. Elements added to the tungsten enhance machinability and ductility.
The excellent thermal conductivity of Anviloy 1150 provides an additional benefit to increase cooling in difficult to cool areas. So, Anviloy 1150 can be used to increase cooling in critical areas to minimize porosity.
Anviloy 1150 can be used in conjunction with tool steel in the design and use of die casting dies and extrusion dies. The differences in thermal expansion must be allowed for. The thermal conductivity of Anviloy1150 can be used to increase cooling in critical areas to minimize porosity. Anviloy1150 can be repaired or built up in worn areas by the use of Anviloy Weld Rod. The Anviloy Weld Rod is applied with TIG (GTAW) welding techniques.
For more details, please visit http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/, http://www.tungsten-alloy.com/extrusion-dies.htm. If there is any interest, please feel free to contact Chinatungsten by email [email protected] or by telephone 0086 592 5129696.
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