
ANC Expands Carbide Recycling Facility
Author:tang    Source:Site author    Update Time:2013-6-24 17:49:35

ANC Expands Carbide Recycling Facility

American National Carbide (ANC) has completed the expansion of its carbide scrap recycling facility in Houston. The company says the expansion makes the tungsten carbide components manufacturer one of the largest recyclers of tungsten carbide scrap and that it will allow the company to process around 1 million pounds of carbide scrap per year.
The expansion, which was a two-year, multi-million-dollar project, includes new equipment and what ANC calls advancements in carbide technology. Tungsten carbide is commonly used in industrial machinery, cutting tool and abrasives applications, and sometimes in jewelry.
“This expansion was a key part of our push for sustainability with respect to tungsten carbide,” says D. Greg Stroud, president of ANC. “By minimizing the presence of tungsten carbide in the waste stream and increasing recycling of this material, we are helping to offset any future effects of its consumption. It’s better for the industry and better for the environment.”
According to an ANC news release, the recycling process developed by the company produces no emissions or waste products and is able to convert 100 percent of the carbide scrap back into usable raw material without any loss of integrity or quality in the material.
ANC also has announced it is offering a recycling program for its customers in which they can have carbide scrap processed and returned to them as a usable raw material. They can redeem their scrap for credit or cash. “This new program gives our customers a way of helping the environment, as well as reducing the effect of the volatility in the tungsten market,” says Stroud. “The net result is that they get raw material or finished products for a lower price, because they are obtaining value from their scrap.”

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ArticleInputer:tang    Editor:tang 
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