
Coated Cemented-Carbide Grade is suited for steel turning
Author:tang    Source:Site author    Update Time:2013-10-9 17:51:10

Coated Cemented-Carbide Grade is suited for steel turning

GC4325 indexable inserts are designed for increased cutting speeds and longer, more predictable tool life with high reliability over extended broad ISO P25 application area. Insert substrate and coating withstand elevated temperatures, reducing effect that causes excessive wear. Capability to maintain insert edge line at high temperatures promotes cutting speeds and security through more predictable and extended tool life.
This latest innovation in tool material provides a new, higher potential for increasing cutting speeds and a longer, more predictable tool life with very high reliability, over an extended broad ISO P25 application area.
Predictability has become increasingly important in today’s machining, especially where there is limited supervision in production. There are always a number of threats to the edge line remaining intact long enough in steel turning. One challenge is the breadth of the ISO P25 application area, which includes several very different materials, from ductile low-carbon steels to high-alloy hard steels, bar material to forgings, castings to pre-machined parts. The advances with the new grade, GC4325, will actually help users resist holding back on cutting-data levels. The grade provides extremely high process security through its ability to retain an intact edge line.
Withstands higher temperatures.
The insert substrate and coating of GC4325 have been developed to better withstand high temperatures, thereby reducing the effect that causes excessive wear.
As a bonus, the grade is highly capable of maintaining the insert edge line at higher temperatures, which translates into the capability for higher cutting speeds with added security through more predictable, longer tool life.
With all this in mind an average productivity increase of 30 percent from today’s existing levels is now available. The grade represents a new generation of performance with coated cemented-carbide indexable inserts, providing a new potential to be tapped throughout a large and diversified application area.

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ArticleInputer:tang    Editor:tang 
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