Preparation Process of Tungsten Copper Wires
Tungsten copper wires have a wide range of applications in electrode material such as EDM, plasma, precision machining, painting and LED.But the physical metallurgy of tungsten copper alloy structure is very special,so the size would be extremely limited When made into tungsten copper wires.On the other hand, it would cost too much on producing tungsten copper wires.Now,the biggest problem is to look for new technologies and new methods for preparing tungsten copper wires.
Tungsten copper wires with good electrical and thermal conductivity, anti~spark resistance, high uniformity and dense tissue if been used in EDM electrodes.In addition, Only tungsten copper wires have the property of easy molding,can it be well adapted the mold and produce high-quality products.At present, there are four kinds of preparation process technologies of tungsten copper alloy wires,drawing processing technology, rolling processing technology, roller die drawing process technology as well as rotary forging techniques.It will be difficult for using drawing processing technology combined to other methods.However, rolling processing technology can effect the production efficiency of tungsten copper wires.
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