
Recycling Methods of Tungsten Copper Alloy Scrap
Author:yaqing    Source:Site author    Update Time:2015-12-2 17:41:12

Recycling Methods of Tungsten Copper Alloy Scrap

The importance of tungsten copper alloy was regarded highly in various fields. The recycling of  tungsten copper alloy scrap has also become a hot spot.It will be easy to recycle tungsten copper alloy scrap which generated in the application. Therefore, recycling tungsten from tungsten copper alloy scrap has become an important source.

There are many methods to recycle tungsten and copper from tungsten copper alloy scrap home and abroad,among these methods,niter method is an older method which is used for many years.
The preparing process of niter method is very simple with low investment,and seems to be  an ideal method.But it will cause lots of nitrogen oxides during the production process, and resulting in the pollution of the environment,especially for the small companies.They generally do not take effective measures to eliminate the nitrogen oxides.Then,the environment problems will become more and more serious. In addition, small companies have no ability to recycle copper adequately and will cause resources wasting.

The efficiency of recycling tungsten and copper from tungsten copper alloy scrap will be significantly effected by using nitric acid or concentrated sulfuric acid as an oxidant to handle the tungsten-copper alloy scrap.It can also design some sets of equipment to convert the nitrogen oxides for eliminating  the pollution of the environment. This method is very simple with low investment,low energy consumption and low pollution. It is a preferred method of recycling tungsten copper alloy scrap materials. Experiment shows that niter method can recycle tungsten more than 96% and recycle copper more than 92.5%.

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ArticleInputer:yaqing    Editor:yaqing 
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