Doped Tungsten Wire Low-temperature Ductility Improvements(3/3)
Swaging mold and drawing mold as used in swaging and wire drawing,they are direct tools which makes the tungsten material and wire deformation.Mold material,structure,shape, the correct design of size,quality of mold processing,reasonable use of mold are all have a direct effect on tungsten bar,tungsten rod and tungsten wire.Drawing mold is an important tool in the production of tungsten wire.The hole of drawing mold not only affect the use life of mold and the production cost of tungsten wire,but also has a great effect on the quality of wire.If compression cone angle is too large,tungsten wire are easy to create internal cracks during stretching,thereby reducing its low-temperature ductility. Graphite colloid has a lubrication and protection effect on tungsten wire during processing.According to the analysis, under normal circumstances during drawing,approximately seventy percent of the power used to overcome the frictional resistance between the mold wall and the wire.If the lubrication performance is poor,it requires more tensile strength,and also increase the frictional heat,which could easily lead to "shrink wire".Meanwhile,,if wire surface is not protected at high temperatures,it is easy to oxide,these will lead to the deterioration of low-temperature ductility of tungsten wire.
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