Tungsten Copper Nickel Alloy Liner Can Increase Sunder Power
Improving the sunder power is the important project that many countries are committed to research,in order to meet the needs of future wars. That is to use new materials with high density to produce HEAT liners,and to replace red copper liner materials. The researching results of many countries such as United States,Germany and France show that the jet formed by tungsten copper alloy liners have two properties of high shaped charge jet, that is, high density and high extensibility which extended the jet before fracture.
The baffleless of sharped charge sunder tests showed that tungsten copper nickel alloy liner might increase 38% sunder power than red copper liner,and its jet tensile performance is better than the copper jet. But it must be noted that it not means the higher the tungsten copper nickel alloy liners density is, the better the sunder power will be.The importance is to ensure the good uniformity of materials,i.e.,the density of single liner density should distribute evenly,without any defects.Experimental results show that,it’s possible for tungsten copper nickel alloy heavy metal to improve the sunder power as liners producing materials,but the issues such as the impact processes and dynamic characteristics of the jet need a further study.
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