Property and Application of Ammonium Paratungstate
Ammonium paratungstate is a chemical substance of white crystal,with two states:flake or needle,density 2.3g / cm3, melting point> 300 ℃.It is insoluble in alcohol,partly soluble in water,solubility in water less than 2% under the tempreture of 20℃.It's chemical formula is 10 (H2W12O42) • 4H2O.Chemical formula changes by changing crystalline state,there are four formula of it: (1)3(NH4)2O-7WO3-6H2O; (2)5(NH4)2-12WO3-5H2O;(3)5(NH4)2O-12WO3-5H2O;(4)5(NH4)2O-12WO3-11H2O.
Sulfuric acid, ammonium chloride, calcium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium chloride, caustic soda, hydrochloric acid, ammonia, heavy oil are the raw materials of ammonium paratungstateAmmonium paratungstate is used to produce tungsten trioxide or blue tungsten oxide by heating it,thereby producing tungsten powder.Alao it used as raw materials of phosphorus ammonium tungstate and oter tungsten compounds.Ammonium paratungstate loses some crystal water and ammonia in the heated state of 220℃-280 ℃,with the tempreture up to 600℃,it completely turned into yellow tungsten trioxide.
Ammonium paratungstate irritates humbody's respiratory system and skin,so,you are supposed to wearing protective clothing and gloves by using it.If it contact with your eyes by accident,rinsing immediately with plenty of water,and going for help from doctor.
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