Nano WO3 may be used to prepare a new heat insulation glass coating with characteristics of high heat insulation, high transparency and good UV protection. So, how to prepare nano WO3 heat insulation glass coating?
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Weigh 78g of nano WO3 ethanol solution, 82g of nano ITO aqueous solution, 18g of modified silicone resin, 3g of n-butanol, and 494g of deionized water, add to the container, and mix well. Some researchers applied such heat-insulating and UV-resistant coating to the window of the car, and then tested the optical properties of the coating window according to the usual methods in the field. The results are as follows: Visible light transmittance is 88.5%, near-infrared transmittance is 48.5%, and the UV shielding rate is 97.2%. As you may have known, it requires the coating applied to car glass have a visible light transmittance of higher than 70%, so such a smart thermal insulation coating can be applied to cars.