
Cesium Tungsten Bronze Nanopowder Applied for Kitchen Heat Insulating Glass Coating

Cesium tungsten bronze nanopowder for preparing kitchen heat insulating glass coating has attracted a large amount of attention as it is a substitute of low-E coating with selective bandwidth of light wavelength.

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cesium tungsten bronze nanopowder applied for kitchen heat insulating glass coating image

Low-E coating, which possesses high reflection of light, has been widely applied in buildings in the past years. However, the low-E coating tends to cause light pollution because of its visible light reflection, which nowadays has been prohibited in many countries. Therefore, a substitute with selective bandwidth of light wavelength - cesium tungsten bronze nanopowder - has attracted a large amount of attention. It is a transparent thermal insulation coating that can strongly shield the near infrared (NIR) and UV radiation, thereby largely reducing the solar heat gain through windows. And therefore the heat insulating glass coating of nano particle size cesium tungsten bronze has been widely explored and applied in buildings in the aspect of energy conservation.

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