Cesium tungstate for preparing heat insulating glass coating is Cs0.33WO3 nano powder with high purity of 99.9%. Wherein, the Cs0.33WO3 particles are ground into nano particles. After that, Cs0.33WO3 nano powder is prepared into stable aqueous dispersion.
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According to the experts, Cs0.33WO3 nano particles can be prepared successfully by a stirred bead milling process. By grinding micro-sized coarse powder with grinding beads of 50 μm in diameter, the mean hydrodynamic diameter of Cs0.33WO3 powder could be reduced to about 50 nm in 3 h, and a stable aqueous dispersion could be obtained at pH 8 via electrostatic repulsion mechanism. After grinding, the prepared Cs0.33WO3 nano particles retained the hexagonal structure and had no significant contaminants from grinding beads. And the cesium tungstate nano powder prepared is suitable for preparing heat insulating glass coating, which is energy-saving and environmentally friendly to reduce energy consumption and improve human comfort.