As a photothermal nanomaterial, tungsten oxide, WO3-x, has been an interesting topic for scientists. WO3-x is a type of non-stoichiometric metal oxides that have strong photoabsorption properties in the broad wavelength range of the near-infrared region (wavelength in the range of 780-2,500 nm) make them suitable for various applications including photothermal therapy, water evaporation, photocatalysis, electrochromic devices, near-infrared shielding, and energy-related applications.
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In semiconductor-based materials, light is absorbed to generate electron-hole pairs. In particular, tungsten oxides are effective in their utilization of the near-infrared region. And oxygen-deficient WO2.72 have been found to be useful in various applications such as smart windows, electrochromic devices, photothermal therapy, and near-infrared shielding. Other than photoabsorption properties, tungsten oxide based materials with large band gaps have attracted a lot of research interest due to their potential uses in optical recording devices, field-emission applications and high temperature superconductors.