
WT20 Thoriated Tungsten Electrode

WT20 thoriated tungsten electrode is America's favorite electrode for a reason. Long lasting and highly durable, these electrodes are a staple in DC welding applications.

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WT20 thoriated tungsten electrode picture

WT20 thoriated tungsten electrode is radioactive, while it is the most popular electrode material in argon arc welding technology due to its excellent comprehensive performance. Thoriated tungsten electrode contains thorium oxide, which has a low-level radioactive hazard, but its performance is superior to pure tungsten electrode in many aspects. For example, thoriated tungsten electrode can provide a current carrying capacity about 20% higher than that of pure tungsten electrode, and generally it has a longer service life. Arc starting is easier by using thoriated tungsten electrode, and the arc is more stable than pure tungsten electrodes or zirconium-tungsten electrodes.

What should be noted is that thoriated tungsten electrode can expose you to chemicals including thorium dioxide, which is known to cause cancer.

There are different diameters including 1.0mm, 1.60mm, 2.0mm, 2.4mm, 3.0mm, 3.2mm, 4.0mm, 5.0mm, 6.0mm, 8.0mm, 10.0mm, 12.0mm. And the length is available: 150mm and 175mm.

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