
Tungsten Alloy Gamma Ray Shielding Material

Tungsten alloy gamma ray shielding material overcomes the shortcomings of traditional lead shielding material, and is more often used in medical fields. More specifically, tungsten alloy gamma ray shielding material does not produce secondary bremsstrahlung, and has a high hardness, which can maintain a certain shape very well when it is made into large containers and large equipment. But if lead is used as the gamma ray shielding material for manufacturing large containers and large equipment, in order to avoid the collapse of the containers and equipment due to their own weight, it is necessary to use steel as the structural framework.

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Advantages of High-density Tungsten Alloy Gamma Ray Shielding Material
The property of radiation shielding is closely related to the density of material. Higher density means better ray absorption and radiation shielding ability. Due to the higher density of tungsten alloy than other materials, the ray absorption and block ability of which are better than other traditional shielding materials, such as lead. High-density tungsten alloy gamma ray shielding material has a better shielding on gamma rays, which can reduce the volume of shielding. Compared with the lead in same volume, tungsten alloy has better radiation shielding.

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