
ASTM B777-99 class4 Tungsten Alloy Ball

ASTM B777-99 class4 tungsten alloy ball has excellent thermal conductivities and corrosion resistance characters with high density and good mechanical strength. It is used as the shot for shotgun hunting shells. The pellets spread upon leaving the barrel, and the power of the burning charge is divided among the pellets, which means that the energy of any one ball of shot is fairly low. In a hunting context, the product makes shotguns useful primarily for hunting birds and other small games.

ASTM B777-99 class4 tungsten alloy ball pictureThe properties of ASTM B777-99 class4 tungsten alloy ball are:
ASTM B777-99: class4
Matrix: 97%
Hardness Rockwell Max: 35HRC
Ultimate Tensile Strength: 100 KSI and 689MPa
Yield Strength (0.2% offset): 75KSI and 517MPa
Elongation: 2%

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