
Titanium Tungsten Powder

Titanium tungsten powder is also known as the anatase titanium dioxide with tungsten oxide, is a kind of white insoluble powder, the crystal structure is the sharp titanium type, belongs to a relatively safe new material.

At 350°C, titanium tungsten powder is transformed from amorphous crystal to anatase; At 600°C, it is transformed from anatase to rutile; At 750°C, it is completely transformed into rutile type. In nature, there are three kinds of crystal types, such as anatase, titanium ore and rutile, which are unstable and not suitable for carrier catalysts, and the properties of rutile and rutile are relatively stable.titanium tungsten powder pictureApplication
Titanium tungsten powder is the main component of denitrification catalyst, and contains no toxic substances, vanadium (V2O5), which belongs to a relatively safe new material.

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