
High Purity BTO Powder

High purity BTO powder has the same determining procedures of ammonia as described in "99.9% Nano Blue Oxide". There are several matters needing attention in this experiment. Notices of determination experiment of ammonia content in high purity BTO powder are shown as follows:decomposition and absorption process of NH3 in high purity BTO powder picture
1. The order of connection of the conical flasks must not be wrong. Air should be sniffed through the long tube, and then flow out from the short tube. Otherwise, the liquid will be pumped into the next flask.

2. During the experiment, first turn on the flow meter cylinder and then heat conical flasks containing sample in the water bath. At the end, stop the water bath first, and then close the flow meter cylinder after it is cold to prevent the solution from flowing backwards.

3. If there is acid or alkaline gas in the surrounding environment, air may be washed with acid, alkali or water before it enters the decomposing flask and then injected into the system.

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