Tungsten Copper Features and Applications
With the recession of International copper price, tungsten copper and its ancillary products sales market was declined. The wholesale business of China tungsten copper were mediocre.But with the focus of Chinese economic strategy shifted gradually, the situation will be gradually improved. Now, here are some brief introductions about tungsten copper features.Tungsten copper alloy integrate the advantages of copper and tungsten:high strength ,high specific gravity ,high temperature,low arc ablation,good thermal conductivity and good processing performance. It is suitable for high hardness materials and thin electrical discharge machining.Besides,it will be easy to use after soldering tungsten copper and die Steel.
Tungsten copper are main used in the following aspects: 1.Electrode materials:It is used for high hardness materials and thin electrical discharge machining.The surface of EDM product will be of high precision,low loss and smoothness. 2.Contact material:High pressure switch or circuit breaker arcing contacts and vacuum contacts, circuit board welding and electrical contact points. 3.Welding materials:welding machine, gas shielded welding tip, radio resistance factory (production of carbon film resistors, metal coating resistance) Resistance Welder Welding materials (copper tungsten alloy welding disc). 4.Guides materials: wire rod mill, for protective effects guide materials.
If you need any more details of the above news and/or products, please visit Chinatungsten Online, or contact us directly.
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