
Preparation Technology of Tungsten Copper Sheet
Author:yaqing    Source:Site author    Update Time:2015-12-1 16:49:59

Preparation Technology of Tungsten Copper Sheet

In the 1990s, with the development of large scale integrated circuits and high-power devices, it's demanding for their connections and wiring requirements. The choice of materials and research has became a central issue.Coefficient of thermal expansion(CTE), thermal and electrical conductivity of tungsten copper material can be designed by adjusting the composition of the materia.It can be well matched and connect with different semiconductor materials and microelectronics devices,so it has broad application prospects.As copper and tungsten are not mutually soluble, the material is composed of distinct particles of one metal dispersed in a matrix of the other one.It's difficult to press working because of the low plasticity of tungsten copper. It has not yet been solved especially for the low copper content of tungsten copper alloy.

For obtaining the alloy sheet,it's the best choice to use hammer forging or cold and hot rolling method to machning tungsten copper alloy  for secondary processing.The main preparation technologies has follows:
1.Ordinary rolling.It means  two rotating rollers and rolling pulled into the roll gap, so rolling plastically would be deformed by compression process so that enables the rolling cross-sectional area decreases but length increases, and with a certain performance.Currently,rolling is the main way to prepare tungsten copper sheet. The mechanical properties of tungsten copper alloy will be improved significantly during the rolling process.And it will be easy to effect the production efficiency and achieve mass production.
2.High-speed rolling.High-speed rolling technique is a material molding method which is to charge the mixed powder into a conical hopper and to fill the cavities automatically by pink boots.When the molded part was formed,it will be ejected and fed into the sintering process.Compared with the conventional rolling method,it's 500 to 1000 times faster than conventional rolling
3.Metal powder rolling.This technique  is the main method in the PM molding process for preparing metal plate and strip.Its essence is a continuous rolling process of the metal powder.

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ArticleInputer:yaqing    Editor:yaqing 
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