Traditional Preparation of Tungsten Copper Composite Material
The melting point of tungsten is 3318 ℃, while the copper is 1083 ℃, there is quite different between each other.Therefore,tungsten copper is a typical pseudoalloy.Generally,the Manufacturers use powder metallurgy method to prepare tungsten copper composite materials. There are three kinds of traditional preparation methods :infiltration method, high temperature liquid phase sintering and activation enhanced liquid phase sintering. 1.Infiltration method.First,pressing tungsten powder into blocks, and pre-fire it into a porous tungsten skeleton with a certain density and strength at a certain temperature .Then melting the copper into tungsten skeleton.Finally ,the dense tungsten copper composite material is done. 2.High temperature liquid phase sintering.Since the melting point between tungsten and copper is quite different, therefore, high temperature liquid phase sintering method can be used for densifing tungsten copper. 3.Activation enhanced liquid phase sintering.This method refers to the add Trace amounts of Activating element during the preparation process of tungsten copper to improve the performance of sintered powder. Tungsten copper composite material obtained through the liquid phase sintering density close to the theoretical density.
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