
Prospect of China's Tungsten Copper in The 21st Century
Author:yaqing    Source:Site author    Update Time:2015-12-1 17:00:11

Prospect of China's Tungsten Copper in The 21st Century

Tungsten copper products have been widely used in the fields of spacecraft, rockets, missiles, point contact, vacuum switch of vacuum circuit breaker fields and so on. It can't be denied that tungsten copper makes great contribution to mankind. However, currently in addition to improve the quality and level of tungsten copper products continuously, to expand the applications in other fields,China should focus on the following points:
1.China is a vast country,but the energy is mainly concentrated in the west, while the great consumption of  energy is in the eastern where has a developing economy. In order to solve the economic problems of long~distance transmission, China needs to develop and manufacture800 ~ 1000KV EHV switching equipment. It's not easy for most countries to make.So it requires China to prepare high quality of tungsten copper contact materials for following the needs of society.
2.Tungsten copper materials as high-power, high temperature ,efficient cooling and the heat sink materials in microwave devices and electronic devices have been more and more focused and put in an important position at home and abroad.It means tungsten copper would have good prospects  in high-tech and information engineering applications.
3.In the military industry,apart from developing the tungsten copper application on the spacecraft continually,but in other areas also have potential applications such as High Explosive Anti-Tank(HEAT) shaped charge liner, jet nozzle of range gun, guns rail materials etc.Therefore,It's necessary to strengthen the cooperation between tungsten copper manufacturers and military-related units.

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ArticleInputer:yaqing    Editor:yaqing 
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