Materials And Methods For Manufacturing Anti-shock Tungsten Wire
Paratungstate、ammonium paratungstate and blue tungsten used as the materials to obtain anti-shock tungsten wire.The comparation of anti-shock tungsten wire which doping with these three kinds of materials shows that blue tungsten have lots of advantages,such as high chemical resistance,great doping effects,large specific surface area and farst restore speed,blue tungsten doping can further improve the anti-sagging performance.Therefore,the blue tungsten widely used to obtain anti-shock tungsten wire in industry.
There are three methods to obtain anti-shock tungsten wire: (1)Powder mixed with the powder (solid - solid) doping.Although it has a shorter routings,the biggest drawback is difficult to make the doping element evently distributed in the tungsten powder,which causing trouble in subsequent processing. (2)Doped substrate solution mixed with doped element solution(liquid - liquid) doping.This approach overcomes the disadvantages of previous methods,but the routing is longer.So both of these methods are generally not used in industry. (3)Powder and doped element solution (solid - liquid) dping.This approach overcomes the shortcomings of the first two methods,which is commonly used in industry.
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