Excellent Performance Of Tungsten Rhenium Wire
Once tungsten wire recrystallized by high temperature,it becomes very brittle and in the case of a shock or vibration can easily break.To prevent filament breakage we often adding rhenium to doped tungsten wire in some electric light source products which high reliability is required,we called it the tungsten rhenium wire.It contains rhenium 1% to 5%,in addition, in order to improve the high temperature properties of materials it incorporated silicon,aluminum and otassium,which makes the delay crisp transition temperature of tungsten down to room temperature or below.
Tungsten rhenium wire have a series of excellent performance such as high melting point,high strength,high hardness,high ductility,high recrystallization temperature, high resistivity,low vpor pressure, low electron work function and low ductility brittle transition temperature.In addition to the above mentioned properties,when rhenium alloy and high rhenium alloy wire match to thermocouple,tungsten rhenium alloys have high thermoelectric power value.
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